Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Comment tentang Isu Tudung Yuna..

salam brother and sister..

Baru ni ada one of my friend tanya pasal apa comment saya tentang yang kecoh-kecoh pemakaian tudung menyerupai pakaian dari satu agama ni..ingat tak?..yang melibatkan penyanyi muda Yuna..kalau tak ingat ..yang ni..

okey first question..siapa yang buat gambar macam ni ?..meh nak salam..anda mungkin calon-calon masuk neraka..sila jaga adab ... 

Jadi comment saya macam ni ...Yuna tak salah ..dan fashion tudung yang dia pakai ini bukanlah diambil ilhamnya daripada yang sebelah tu..Ia sekadar cubaan mengenakan tudung pelbagai gaya ..berfasyen itu tidak salah ..pakai lah apa pon jenis tudung ..tapi bersyarat ...antara syarat-syarat nya..

1 - MENUTUP AURAT (maksud disini menutup kesemua helaian rambut , leher..dan dilabuhkan sehingga dada..seperti yang ramai kita dah tahu ) ... 
2- TAK ADA BONGGOL - bonggol yang sedikit itu tak apa lah..macam mana nak ikat rambut kalau dah panjang tak ada bonggol..tapi jangan dibuat-buat..untuk tah apa-apa reason ) .. 
3 - BUKAN TUJUAN MENARIK PERHATIAN -pakai laa apa pon tapi jangan sampai membuat lelaki bukan muhrim tengok sampai tak berkedip-kedip mata dia..kalau agak-agak pakai satu-satu pakaian itu..rasa-rasa nampak cantik..nampak lekok badan sana-sini dan mula rasa diri cantik ..maka tukar laa..simple..insyaAllah..kita dah biasa tengok di cermin untuk nampak cantik..belajar cakap..ini cantik..kena ubah bagi nampak simple sedikit..supaya tak menjadi jamuan mata lelaki..#notetoself juga....
4 - BUKAN BERTUJUAN BERMEGAH -lebih kurang macam yang atas..contoh tudung ratusan ringgit..untuk nampak hebat di mata manusia...ingatkan diri..aku menutup aurat agak aku cantik di mata Allah SWT bukan manusia..

Jadi yang lain itu mungkin ada..bukan sahaja pada Yuna..juga pada ramai kita yang bertudung..jadi tak perlu judge dia..Dan sebenarnya tuhan dah cakap..tugas nak judge manusia ini hanya Dia sahaja yang boleh buat..manusia dan para Nabi atau malaikat pon tak boleh judge sesama kita..jadi tak perlu nak judge...Mana kita tahu apa yang ada dalam Yuna...yang tahu Allah SWT sahaja..apa guna kita nak blame dia just sebab dia celebrity..?..and contoh paling ketara..and ramai ikutan..?..Mana kita tahu jenis tudung yang kita pakai ni tak agama di tempat lain tak pakai ..kalau ada?..apa kita semua menyerupai agama lain?...Jadi bagi saya issue ini harus dikupas semula..dan bukan laa menjadi bualan orang kalau yang comment ini tergolong dari golongan biasa..please...sitdown...!..

Again saya nak cakap..bagi pendapat saya Yuna tak salah..pemakaian tudung tadi dari unsur mana harus dikaji..maksudnya..mungkin pereka gaya ini dari agama itu..dan diikut secara tak sengaja oleh sesiapa dari agama kita..atau mungkin orang yang mula menggayakannya..refer gambar mereka ini untuk ikut gaya tudung itu..atau mereka sekadar duduk depan cermin sejam dan lilit-lilit tudung..and taaadaaa new image..lansung tak terniat nak menyerupai agama lain..jadi mreka ini tak salah!..tolong faham..jangan terlalu cepat menghukum manusia...jangan react...


Ingat tu..apa yang anda-anda yang terlibat ini buat adalah anda react pada yang terover pula tu pasal issue ni..menampakkan salah orang secara terbuka..Nabi SAW tegur kalau orang buat salah macam ni ke?..ini cara yang diajar dalam sunnah ke?..Jangan nak tunjuk anda beragama dengan cara membuat aib orang..dan orang itu belum tentu anda kenal secara dekat lagi...Apa yang anda cuba buktikan?..yang dia bukan lagi Islam?..yang dia akan masuk neraka?..Kalau issue ini ditegur oleh para ulama sekalipon saya rasa orang yang tahu pasal agama tak akan buat benda macam ini..mereka boleh dapatkan orang itu dengan cara lebih dekat...bukan dengan cara terbuka...okey..itu sahaja...thank you..salam..:)

YUNA -jika saya jadi kamu saya ada 2 pilihan..jika saya tahu saya buat itu betul..saya akan biarkan sehingga orang berenti bercakap...kalau saya salah saya akan tetap salah..kalau saya betul saya akan tetap betul..dan satu lagi pilihan.. saya akan mengkaji relevennya cara pemakaian tudung ini..minta pendapat para ilmuan agama..dan berfikir dari kedudukan orang lain..dan jika boleh menenangkan semua orang dan juga hati saya..saya akan tinggalkan sahaja...mungkin bukan sebab mengalah dengan tuduhan menyerupai agama lain..tapi mungkin ada hikmah benda ni jadi..mungkin sebab Allah sayang pada kita ..Dia nak cakap..niat kita dah betul..tapi mungkin menarik perhatian manusia sampai sedetail itu mereka fikir..boleh jadi kan?..dan mungkin para ilmuan agama akan comment dari pelbagai sudut..contohnya..apa yang boleh mengharamkan..bukan sbb persamaan dengan agama lain..tapi mungkin dari sudut.menimbulkan fitnah..jadi ia jadi haram..Islam ni is the only way of life..and dia takkan buat kita confuse kalau kita tgk betul-betul balik..and semua yang jadi ni sebenarnya ada hikmah..sbb Allah SWT  dah cakap..semua kita dah diberi petunjuk..antara kita nak bersyukur dengan petunjuk itu atau kufur..petunjuk bukan semua yang membawa senyuman...tapi kalau kita jadikan semua ujian itu satu petunjuk atau hidaya dari Allah SWT...kita takkan takut dan melatah..insyaAllah...anyways...good luck with ur life..God bless all of us..amin..:)
Salam everyone..
ni siapa pulak 'royal guard of king david' ni..yang mana pulak image yang dia bising ni..haih..pelik..kalau tak boleh share takyah letak kat google tu..letak je kat dalam rumah..simpan...thank u..


Take your Quran with translation / Quran tafseer in your bags.. Take it with you everywhere you go.. When u don't know what to do , waiting for a friend , waiting for the rain to stop ..take it out and read it.. make it a habit.. insya Allah ...Lets do this together !..#reminder for myself and you you you..:)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

♥ The 20 Most commonly asked questions about Islam ♥

In The name of Allah, The most Gracious, The most Merciful.
The word “Islam” means peace and submission to the Will of the only God worthy of being worshipped. This peace is contentment with yourself and your surroundings that could only be achieved by willfully submitting to God, obeying what He commands and abstaining from what He forbids. 
Who Is Allah?
Allah is the name in Arabic for the “One God”. Allah is the Creator, Sustainer, Planner and Organizer. He is the only deity that has the right to be worshipped (i.e. praying, supplicating, fasting, etc.). In Islam, the belief in the One God cannot be separated from the acts of worshipping the One God. In other words, it is not enough to simply think you believe in the Oneness of the Creator but that belief must be affirmed by your statement and actions. Example, it would negate ones belief in the Oneness of the Creator if he directs his worship to a man (or any of the other created things).
Who Is a Prophet?
A Prophet is a person who is appointed by God to call the people to the worship and believe in the One God. All Prophets were given miracles by Allah to prove that they were Prophets. For example, Moses was given the miracles to free the Children of Israel, Jesus was given the ability to heal the sick and raise the dead by Allah’s’ leave and Muhammad was given the Qur’an which is the everlasting and literal speech of Allah. May Allah send His peace and blessings on all the Prophets. Ameen!
What Is the Qur’an?
The Qur’an is the Last Revelation from your Lord. It was revealed in the pure Arabic language to the Prophet Muhammad and has been kept preserved and unchanged, in its original form. The English interpretation of the Qur’an will be used as reference in this brochure. It is not Allah’s’ Word rather, it is a general interpretation of the meaning of the Qur’an. The Qur’an confirms the truth in the Torah, Psalms and the Gospel.
Who was Muhammad?
Muhammad is the Final Prophet and Messenger. He was born into the tribe of Quarish in the year 570 AD. His ancestry goes back to the Prophet Ishmael, the son of Prophet Abraham. His father died before his birth and his mother died before he was six. As a young man he was known as Al-Ameen (the trustworthy). He would retreat to a cave outside of Mecca where, he would ponder and reflect about the immoral practices and customs of the Pagan Arabs. He received revelation from the Creator at the age of 40 through the Angel Gabriel. Subsequently, the Revelations came over the period of 23 years and are collectively in the Qur’an.
What are the Pillars of Islam?
Islam has 5 Pillars.
1. (Iman) Belief that no deity is worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is His Last Prophet and Messenger.
2. (Salat) Prayers, which are performed 5 times a day.
3. (Siyam) Fasting in the month of Ramadaan. Abstaining from food, drink and sexual relations with spouses from sunrise to sunset.
4. (Zakat) Charity is the requirement of 2.5% of a Muslims’ saved earnings given to the poor once a year as purification of his wealth.
5. (Hajj) Pilgrimage is a journey to the Kab’ah in the sacred city of Mecca. Muslims are required to do this at least once in a lifetime if they are physically and financially able.
What are the Fundamentals of Faith?
Belief in Allah, His Oneness and ascribing no partners to Him.
Belief in the Angels (Gabriel, Michael, Israfil, etc.).
Belief in the revealed scriptures (Torah, Psalms, Gospel) in their original form, not as they exist today.
Belief in Allah’s Messengers (Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad etc.)
Belief in the Day of Resurrection.
Belief in Pre-Ordainment. The good or bad of it.
Who Is a Muslim?
One who practices the 5 pillars of Islam and believes in the fundamentals of faith. One can become a Muslim by saying; “Ashadhu An Laa ilaha illa Allah, wa ashadhu anna Muhammad ar-rasulullah.” This means, ” I bear witness that no deity has the right to be worshipped except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Final Messenger.” All Prophets preceding Muhammad were Muslims. This includes Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and Jesus. Is there a doubt that these Prophets did not submit their will to the Creator? Allah says in the Qur’an:
” Abraham was neither a Jew or a Christian, but he was a true Muslim and he was not of the idolaters.” The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 3, Verse 67.
It is important to note that other religions are derived from the name of a place or a person. Examples of this are: Judaism is derived from the tribe of Judah, Hinduism is from the Indus River, Buddhism is from Goutam Buddha and Christianity is from Jesus Christ. Islam is the only revealed religion and way of life that directly attaches its worshippers to the servitude of the Creator.
Is Islam the only Religion acceptable to The Creator?
Yes! As explained in the introduction, Islam means peace through the submission to the Will of Allah. One who does this is called a Muslim. Therefore, the only thing acceptable to the Creator is submission to Him. Allah says:
“Do they seek other than the Religion of Allah (Islam)? While to Him submit all other creatures in the heavens and the Earth, willingly or unwillingly. And to Him they shall all be returned. Say, ‘We believe in Allah and what was sent down to us, and what was sent down to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob and the tribes, and what was revealed to Moses, Jesus, and the Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between them, and to Him (Allah) we have submitted (in Islam).’ And whosoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the hereafter he will be of the losers (in the hellfire).” The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 3, Verses 83-85.
Will the actions of Non-Believers be wasted?
Yes! Allah says:
“Say, ‘Shall We tell you the greatest losers in respect of their deeds? Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life while they thought that they were acquiring good by their deeds. They are those who deny the revelation of their Lord and the meeting with Him (in the Hereafter). So their works are in vain and on the Day of Resurrection, We shall not give them any weight. That shall be their recompense, Hell; because disbelieved and took My revelations and My Messengers by way of jest and mockery. Verily, those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah-Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds shall have the Garden of Paradise for their entertainment.” The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 18, Verses 103-107.
What is the Hereafter?
The “Hereafter” is the final destiny of all worldly existence starting at the time of death. The day mankind will be resurrected from their graves then they shall be brought to account for their deeds whether good or evil. Allah says: 
“I (Allah) swear by the Day of Resurrection, and I (Allah) swear by self-reproaching person. Does Man think that We shall not assemble his bones? Yes, We are able to put together in perfect order the tips of his fingers. Nay! (Man denies Resurrection and Reckoning. So) he desires to continue committing sins. He asks, ‘When will be this Day of Resurrection?’ So, when the sight shall be dazed, and the moon will eclipsed, and the sun and the moon will be joined together. On that day man will say, ‘ Where is the place that I can flee to?’ No! There is no refuge! Unto that your Lord (Alone) will be the place of rest that day. On that day men will be informed of what he sent forward ( of evil or good deeds), and what he left behind (of his good or evil practices). Nay! Man will be a witness against himself.” The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 35, Verses 1-4.
Do Muslims Worship Muhammad?
No! Muslims do not worship Muhammad nor do they worship any other Prophets, Saints, or created things. It is not permissible for a Muslim to pray, supplicate, or direct any type of worship to any created thing in rivalry to the Lord of all that exists. Allah says:
” Say (to them Muhammad), ‘I am only a man like you. It has been inspired to me that your God is One God. So whoever hopes for the Meeting with his Lord, let him work righteousness and associate none as a partner in the Worship of his Lord.’ “ The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 18, Verse 110.
What is the Purpose of our Creation?
As we examine Allah’s creation, we will inevitably conclude that all things have a purpose. If we look at the delicate balance of our universe, as vast as it is, orchestrated in perfect synchronization. The human body and its various different processes like thought, movement, vision and its ability to heal itself. The earth and its countless number of life forms, various plants, vegetables and animals. The weather system, the seasons and the water cycle. Surely, these things have some purpose, more so for human beings. Allah says:
” And We (Allah) created not the spirits and men, except that they should worship Me (alone).” The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 51, Verse 56.
As the verse states in question #8, all things are in a state of submission to the Creator by following the natural laws that they have been created for. We were born in a state of submission, not in a state of sin as we had no choice in the matter and we will die in submission. Between these two time spans, man has been given the rational ability to choose to submit to his Creator. Know for surety that we will all die and none of us knows when we’re going to die. Isn’t it time you submitted to your Lord?
What is the Truth about Jesus?
Jesus, the son of Mary is a servant and Messenger of Allah. Allah says in the Qur’an that Jesus was born of a miraculous birth;
“Verily, the likeness of Jesus before Allah is the likeness of Adam. He created him from dust, then (He) said unto him: ‘Be’ and he was.” The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 3, Verse 59.
He performed many miracles as a Prophet by Allah’s permission such as resurrecting the dead, healing the blind and sick, making a living bird out of clay and speaking as new born infant. Jesus brought the same message as the other Prophets. He is not to be worshipped as the “Son of God!” Jesus was raised alive up to Allah from where he will return to re-establish the Law of Allah on earth.
What is the truth about The “Son Of God”, “Trinity” and Mary?
Your Creator says:
“Surely, they have disbelieved who say:
‘Allah is the Messiah (Jesus).’; But the Messiah said, ‘O Children of Israel! Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.’ Verily, whosoever sets up partners in worship with Allah, then Allah has forbidden Paradise for him, and the Fire will be his abode. And for the polytheists there are no helpers. Surely, the disbelievers are those who said, ‘Allah is a third of the three (in a trinity).’ But there is no god but the One God. And if they cease not from what they say, verily, a painful torment will befall the disbelievers among them. Will they not repent to Allah and ask for His Forgiveness? For Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful. The Messiah, son of Mary is no more than a Messenger. Many were the Messengers that passed away before him. His mother was a truthful woman. They both used to eat food (As other human beings, while Allah does not eat). Look how Allah makes the revelations clear to them, yet look how they are deluded away (from the truth).”
 The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 5, Verses 72-75.
Does Islam oppress Women?
No. On the contrary, 1400 years ago Islam liberated women. At that time in Europe, Christian scholars were debating whether women had souls, if yes, did they have animal souls or human souls? Until recently women were stripped of their last names to illustrate that they were the property of their husbands. As for Islam, women are equal to men in all acts of piety, they keep their last names, they are allowed to keep their own money, choose who they want to marry, have the right to seek a divorce, have the right to inheritance and have the right to be protected and maintained by their husbands. They have been dignified and exonerated by the Hijab (Islamic covering). In the West, women are portrayed as sex objects to be used and discarded. We see them being used to sell cars, alcohol and even bubble gum. In Islam, women have been elevated to a stature that surpasses the roles placed upon them by any religion or culture. Women are not to be abused or oppressed but they are to be respected and cared for. As a result, Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world amongst women.
Is Polygyny permissible?
Yes! Islam regulated matrimony in that men are permitted to marry up to four wives providedthey treat them fairly and equally. The man must first be financially capable to take another wife, provide different residences and be able to divide his time equally amongst them. In the western society many men who are married to only one wife usually have extramarital affairs. Thus a survey was published in the USA Today (April 4, 1988; Section D) which asked 4700 mistresses, what would they like their status to be (mistress or second wife). They said, “I prefer being a second wife rather than the other woman”. The reasons for this are that they didn’t have any legal rights, nor did they have the financial equality of the legally married wives and it appeared that these men were using them. Islam is clearly against extra or premarital affairs (fornication) as this leads to corruption in the society and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Don’t people feel bad when they have children out of wedlock? These children have the right to grow up knowing that they have parents who are responsible enough to have planned to bring them into the world. No one would like to be told that they were an accident. As for those against polygyny, statistics show that because of wars there are more women in the world than there are men. Other reasons are, most married men engage in extramarital affairs and there is an increase in homosexuality amongst men, thus causing an excess amount of women to men. The Islamic solution of polygyny is the best solution to the seemingly difficult problems that plague our society in our man to woman relationships.
Does Islam promote Terrorism?
Absolutely Not. Islam condemns all acts of oppression. Necessary force is permissible only when one is defending oneself, family, and right to practice his/her religion or fighting tyranny and oppression. Muslims who blow up buildings and kill innocent people are not acting in accordance with what Islam teaches.
Is there Racism in Islam?
No. Muslims are found in every country, whether they are European, African, Asian or American. 1 in every 5 people on the earth is a Muslim, Which means there are 1.2 billion Muslims in the world. Islam promotes racial harmony and tolerance. Allah says:
” O mankind! We have created you from a male and female, and made you into nations and tribes that you may know one another. Verily, the most honourable of you in the Sight of Allah is the believer who has the most piety. Verily, Allah is All Knowing, All Aware.” The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 49, Verse 13.
This is in opposition to Louis Farrakhan’s disbelieving lies against Islam, in saying that, ‘Allah appeared in the person of Master W. Fard Muhammad’, or ‘We the original (black) nation of the earth’. The Believers seek refuge with Allah from such lies against Allah. Ameen!
Has The Qur’an predicted the new Discoveries OF Modern Science?
Yes! Since the Qur’an came from the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, it is only befitting that science would later confirm what is in the Qur’an. Examples of this are, the expansion of the universe as stated in the Qur’an:
“With power did We construct the heaven. Verily, We expand the vastness of space.”The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 51, Verse 47.
Every living thing is created from water:
“Do not those who disbelieve know that the heavens and the earth were joined together as one united piece, then We parted them? And We have made from water every living thing. Will they then not believe?”The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 21, Verse 30.
The trimester:
“…He (Allah) created you in the wombs of your mothers, creation after creation in three veils of darkness, such is Allah your Lord. How then are you turned away (from the truth)?” The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 39, Verse 7.
There are several other examples proving that the Qur’an is from your Lord. Allah says:
“Do they not consider the Qur’an carefully? Had it been from other than Allah, they would have found therein much contradictions.” The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 4, Verse 82.
Should You become a Muslim Right Now?
Absolutely! If you believe in what you have read in this article, we strongly suggest that you don’t delay. You are now accountable for what you know about Islam. For many people Islam has balanced their lives, created a form of discipline, given them respect and dignity and given them peace and tranquility in a society that has been ravaged by mental illnesses, excessive materialism, substance abuse, increase in crime and an all time decline in human morality. Allah warns us in the Qur’an:
” O you who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared. And die not except in a state of Islam (as Muslims).” The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 3, Verse 102.
If you wish to become a Muslim, refer to question #7 and contact us anytime.
We invite you to become a Muslim.

copied from
do visit her blog..:)..

Friday, October 21, 2011

Semakin Hari Semakin Cantik (Uitm)- Iman Muda Asyraf bin Mohd Ridzuan

Bismillah..assalamualaikum wbt brother and sisters..

sebenarnya dah mengantuk tapi tak apa lah..tulis dulu sebelum tido takut esok-esok terlupa pulak..sementara ingat..Harini saya ke Pusat Islam Uitm Shah Alam sendirian tapi bersama saya ramai pelajar-pelajar junior yang datang mungkin untuk mendengar talk atau nak tgk penceramahnya..wallahualam..maklum lah yang memberi talk malam tadi bukan calang-calang malam tadi disampaikan oleh Imam Muda Asyraf Bin Mohd Ridzuan..yang bertajuk 'semakin hari semakin cantik'..Dalam forum kali ini topic agak 'abstract' ..walaupun ustaz mungkin nampak agak confuse dengan tajuk tapi keseluruhan massage yang disampaikan boleh dikatakan berkait rapat...cuma agak samar-samar dan boleh dikatakan memerlukan kesenian akal untuk menterjemahkan tajuk kepada mesej..wahh!..hehe...Bila saya diberitahu topic hari itu..memang di dalam gambaran saya tajuk ini agak luas dan boleh jadi ustaz akan keluar dengan tips-tips kecantikan dalam islam..mungkin akan datang dengan defininasi cantik..medium-medium yang berkait rapat dalam usaha mendapat cantik itu..samada lahiriahnya atau batiniahnya ..dan cara untuk memupuk medium-medium itu seterusnya ..datang nya cantik itu dari aspek apa ..begitulah..tapi kalau saya yang tidak pandai lansung pasal agama ini boleh cakap topik ini besar..dan bukan sejam  atau dua jam punya cerita..inikan pula seorang Imam nak memberi hujah-hujah tentang itu..boleh jadi 3 hari 3 malam belum tentu habis...:)..pihak penganjur sepatutnya mengecilkan skop..contohnya dari segi permakanan ..ataupon aktiviti riadah yang dihalalkan atau sebagainya..sebab secara keseluruhannya..jika seorang ustaz datang untuk berhujah tentang agama sudah pasti mesej yang nak disampaikan menjurus kearah Islam dan kebaikan..jadi dengan mendengar dan adaptasi kepada mesej itu akan merubah mungkin 1% sekalipon ke arah yang positive..disitu juga pasti ada 'cantiknya'..ini bagi pendapat saya ..

ok sedikit sebanyak kesimpulan daripada apa yang saya dapat dalam talk tadi..

1 - ustaz mulakan dengan bercerita tentang masjid Uitm yg cantik dan luas ...dan Nabi SAW ada menyebut : ‘”Tempat yang paling baik di sisi Allah adalah masjid dan tempat paling dimurkaiNya adalah pasar-pasar.” ...jadi kata ustaz Rasulullah SAW suka bila kita membuat aktiviti seharian kita di dalam masjid ..dan 'pasar' yang dimaksudkan bukan lah pasar malam semata-mata...dimana-mana sahaja yang ramai orang dan pergaulan bebas dimana lelaki dan perempuan sehingga bersentuh bahu..tak semestinya di pasar..dimana-mana sahaja .
jadi dari hadith tadi ustaz mengajak kita mengkaji dan berfikir tentang sesuatu yang disampaikan kepada kita dengan lebih mendalam..'Ulul-Albab'= Ulil Albab adalah gulungan yang diistimewakan dan yang disebut Allah di dalam AlQuraan. Sebanyak 16 kali disebut di dalam AlQuraan. Ulil Albab menggunakan kurniaan akal untuk merenung setiap kejadian di alam semesta yang maha luas ini...dengan berfikir dan mengkaji kita mampu tampil lain ..atau lebih daripada yang lain walaupun jika ditengok secara kasar seakan-akan sama..tapi kelainan yang ditampilkan akan membawa seorang lebih sedikit kedepan.

2 - Imam Jalaludin Sayuti : Firman Allah SWT ;' dan Kami turunkan daripada langit itu besi...'
dan pada zaman itu..kajian tentang besi adalah daripada bumi..jadi ada yang cuba menuduh kesalahan pada kitab Al-Quran..
'Sesungguhnya pada penciptaan langit dan bumi ada satu petanda baik bagi orang-orang yang mengkaji '
Harini rupanya selepas kajian besi perlu dijadikan gabungan daripada suatu tenaga dari langit .maksud ustaz adalah Pembentukan logam berat seperti besi, emas, platinum, uranium dan plutonium ada kaitan dengan kematian bintang di angkasa raya. Apabila bahan api bintang kehabisan maka tindakbalas nekleosentesis yang menukarkan silikon dan sulfur kepada besi akan berlaku pada teras bintang. 
Besi mempunyai susunan nekleus yang paling stabil. Tenaga pembentukan atom besi sungguh tinggi. Besi tidak terbentuk di bumi tetapi dari bintang di ruang angkasa menerusi proses yang disebut tadi. Ledakan nukleosintisisis yang berlaku pada suhu yang tinggi akan menghamburkan besi ke ruang angkasa dan seterusnya di tarik ke permukaan bumi menerusi tarikan graviti....Jadikan diri sebagai pengkaji..

maksud disini adalah agama kita ini telah menjelaskan selengkap baik semua yang jadi di langit dan dibumi .tetapi dengan mengkaji untuk mencari penjelasan saintifik akan membuat orang itu ada kelainan..tapi jangan jadikan kajian itu satu alasan untuk kita menidakkan apa yang dah ditulis..mengkaji untuk mendalami tapi bukan jika tidak dapat mendalami tentang sesuatu perkara itu maka perkara itu ditinggalkan..contohnya kata ustaz..sekarang ada penjelasan dalam bidang sains signifikasi rukuk..sujud dan sebagainya...kebaikan amalan-amalan itu..tetapi jika tiada kebaikan tidak boleh lah pula kita meninggalkan solat.pada zaman sahabat dahulu tiada kajian tapi mereka masih solat..

3 - Melakukan sesuatu yang diluar kebiasaan itu dianggap suatu 'dosa'..maksudnya kalau kita buat sesuatu yang luar daripada biasa..kemudian ustaz menyebut 7 golongan yang mendapat perlindungan daripada Allah SWT :

a - Pemimpin yang adil -seorang yang mempunyai kuasa yang boleh merubah keputusan tetapi masih memikirkan tentang orang lain dan tidak kepentingan diri sendiri .

b - Pemuda yang kuat ibadat - pemuda disini adalah Orang Muda ..kerana bukan mudah untuk seorang yang pada usia mudanya dia kuat beribadat..

c- Seorang lelaki yang hatinya terpaut kepada masjid - ini adalah seorang yang hebat 

d- seorang lelaki yang berkawan dengan lelaki lain kerana Allah SWT dan perpisahan nya juga adalah kerana Allah SWT ...contoh disini pada zaman Rasulullah dahulu ..Saad bin Malik enggan pergi berperang..jadi Rasulullah SAW menyuruh semua boikot dia..Ada seorang sahabat baik Saad rindu ingin berjumpa dengan nya tetapi bila teringat perintah Rasulullah SAW dia membatalkan niat..kerana persahabatan dan perpisahan itu adalah kerana Allah SWT.

e - Seseorang yang apabila diberi sedekah oleh tangan kanannya,tangan kirinya tidak tahu..contohnya : mendoakan kawan atau sesiapa sahaja dalam keadaan mereka tidak tahu.

f- Seorang lelaki yang menitiskan air mata oleh kerana cintakan Allah SWT ..Pesan ustaz khususnya pda lelaki..jangan menangis sebab wanita..jangan korbankan air mata pada benda yang remeh temeh

g - Lelaki yang apabila digoda wanita yang berkedudukan dan berupa paras cantik..dia tolak kerana takutkan Allah SWT..

Nabi pegang bahu Abdullah bin Umar r.a ' Wahai Ibnu Umar anak Umar al Khatab .Jadikanlah diri kamu dibumi ini seperti orang yang asing '
orang yang pelik dan asing itu maksudnya seorang yang boleh ke masjid pada tika orang tidak ke masjid .dia boleh berdakwah pada waktu orang tidak berdakwah..'Orang muda bila paginya ,dia tidak akan tgu petang..bila petang dia tidak akan tunggu pagi...tidak akan tunggu bila nak buat sesuatu..tetapi kan buat pada waktu nya '

'Bacaan anda membentuk peribadi anda'..jadi pilih bahan bacaan anda supaya dapat membentuk peribadi yang selaras dengan tujuan atau tugas kita di atas bumi..

Kemudian terus pada menjawab soalan daripada siswa dan siswi..

1 - tentang berorganisasi penjelasan tentang ..seorang yang terlalu banyak mentelaah sehingga tidak berpersatuan ..kononnya akan menggangu pembelajaran ..
Nabi SAW mengajar yang orang yang berorganisasi/berjemaah adalah orang yang berjaya.Organisasi juga boleh jadi solat berjemaah semata-mata .Dalam konteks mahasiawa pembahagian komitmen bergantung kepada kebijaksanaan..Contoh yang ustaz beri..seorang wakil pelajar UM..yang mampu membahagi masa mengikut kebijaksanaan bila ditanya..jawapan yang diberi adalah 'Barangsiapa yang membantu Allah, Allah akan membantu dia..'.Kalau berorganisasi atau apa-apa bukan dari aspek keimanan belum tentu Allah tolong..Nabi tidak menyuruh semua orang perang..ada yang wajib ada yang tidak wajib..jika tidak mampu untuk berorganisasi ..takut mengganggu pembelajaran..tidak mengapa.
Jaminan jika berkerja ke jalan Allah SWT , Allah SWT akan bantu...'Siapa yang beriman dan tinggi ilmu , Allah SWT akan angkat darjatnya'..bila Allah akan angkat kita tidak tahu..

2 - dari sudut kematangan 
kata ustaz ..kita akan berubah mengikut peringkat ..semua orang ...mungkin harini kita berfikiran seperti ini..mungkin lagi 10 tahun..kita akan berfikiran lebih bagus dari 10 tahun lepas..dan meninggalkan yang remeh..dan mula memikirkan yang lebih penting..itu proses..Orang takut kalau beragama nanti jadi skema..tidak semestinya..(bagi saya harini sangat sedikit dan yang masih belum bangun sahaja yang berpendapat begitu..mereka masih belum dapat konsep yang Islam itu bukan agama yang menghukum..Islam itu is the only way of life..and everybody sepatutnya bersembang ..hari-hari tentang Islam...kerana itu laa cara hidup dan gaya hidup yang sepatutnya..dan yang patut rasa malu adalah mereka yang tidak tahu tentang agama mereka sendiri sebab mereka tidak berfikir dan mengambil ringan ttg agama..jangan malu dengan agama sendiri ..dan Islam bukan bahasa ustaz dan ustazah..kita semua kalifah..kita semua remind each other..everyday!)..

3 . merungut
Merungut dan melakukan sesuatu secara terpaksa itu adalah kerana seseorang itu hilang keredhaan..contohnya : harini terantuk lutut pada katil ..esok terantuk lagi..tiap kali terantuk marah...soalannya:dah terantuk ke belum?..dah..jadi kenapa merungut..Jadi sebenarnya Allah nak tengok kita redha ke tak dengan sesuatu yang dah jadi..Mukmin tak akan terantuk dua kali..

Nabi diambil Katijah dan Abu Talib serentak pada bulan yang sama..Nabi seolah-seolah hilang punca..tapi Allah nak sampaikan pada Nabi cukuplah Dia sahaja yang menbantu..kita hari ini nak sedekah pon susah sebab kita tak percaya akan apa yang Allah SWT bagi itu cukup..

4 . Doa minta cepat jodoh
Jodoh bukan tunggu dan lihat.Allah suruh cari .Nabi suruh pilih..cari maksudnya mengenali siapa dia,asal usul keluarga dan sebagainya..dan target bila nak kahwin dan bagitau pada family..Kawin muda penting ..tetapi kahwin time belajar kalau boleh hindari..kerana boleh menggangu pembelajaran..kalau kita sibuk dengan aktiviti dan bukan bersosial yang menggalakkan diri anda untuk mencari jodoh itu (facebook contohnya)..kita tak akan fikir tentang lelaki atau perempuan..sehinnga melalaikan...

5 barang berjenama ; boleh pakai tapi jangan menunjuk..menampakkan kemewahan..sehingga menyebabkan orang terasa hati..cthnya org yg tidak berkemampuan..

6 boleh tak memendam perasaan cinta pada wanita
boleh..tidak salah..tapi jangan sampai melalaikan..cth seorang yang selalu berjemaah..tetapi satu hari teringat akan teman wanita nya..sehingga terlalai untuk pergi berjemaah..cinta dibenarkan tapi kawal perasaan cinta..sama juga kalau bercerai..tiba-tiba yang lelaki ingin rujuk semula lepas idah..merayu-rayu..jika si isteri tidak mahu..maka tinggalkan lah..dalam hati seorang wanita ada satu perasaan iaitu tidak tergamak..tetapi tiada didalam hati seorang lelaki..

7- tudung berfashion..kata ustaz..pakai lah dengan syarat :
menutup aurat , tak nampak bentuk tubuh , tidak nipis , tak menyerupai pakaian agama lain ,lelaki tidak berpakaian wanita dan wanita tidak berpakaian lelaki..wanita dan lelaki tidak boleh berpakaian yang nampak keserlahannya...contoh macam 'diva wannabe ' punya dress up..dan tidak boleh pakai pakaian yg nampak sombong..


jadi itu sahaja..thank u ustaz kerana sudi datang ke Uitm menyampaikan ilmu pada kami ..kalau lah ustaz baca..mana-mana yang tersalah...harap dibetulkan..salam wbt...goodnite everyone..:)