Tuesday, September 14, 2010

SeLaMaT hArI RaYa

hai...walaupun dah raya ke -6 tapi still boleh cakap lagi selamat hari raya to everyone kan...hehe...so raya amacam??...ok?...duit raya ok?...hurmmm..for me...my raya was great...first raya me , my mom n my 2 sisters went to the palace..kat kuale a.k.a kuala kangsar...i love going to the istana every raya..sebab i get to see the sultan n the family...n also makanan kat sana ..perghh terbaik laaa..semuaaa ada....but sedih sikit this raya...our baju raya smer tak ok...mine was ketat...but i still wear it laa for raya...nak buat macam mana sbb baju mmg ade satu n i was excited about the baju since before puasa i think...sebab the material cantik sgt..siap with the manik2 all..cantik laa..my mom's fren got it for her but then die tak muat the kain..so she passed it to me..the baju boleh pakai but betul2 atas atas badan ni...ketat gilee...tangan tak boleh bengkok kan pon...n my 2 sister baju diaorg mcm pelik je jadi n lagi sedih ...diaorg antar more den 1 kain but all of it tak jadi...tangan pendek...kemasan takde...ade yg ketat gile cam balut nangka ...n baju pendek...terukkk sgttt sgtt....dunno where went wrong...nak kate measurement ...siap bagi contoh.dunno laa..maybe time tak cukup...but still we pay for it..we deserve satisfaction laa kan...ni dah laa siap pagi raya around 1 baru dpt baju ...n at 5 we have to bangun n ready utk ke istana...how sad..my kakak kene pakai baju mama and my adik pakai jugak la baju t salah satu yg cam ok...but tangan cam sebesar2nye..(motif??!!)...n me ...kene laa pakai baju ketat tu...nasib laa cutting die mmg cam kebaya...cuma bila duduk n bangun the kain will stuck kat ats..n baju akan terjongket kat my back...n i have to pull my kain n baju down every time i bangun or salam with people...wtf kan?..n my handd..sakit sampai merah2 sbb kadang2 u just need to force to bengkok to makan n etc kan..haih..but istana was great..hehe...after istana we went to andak's and after dat we went home ...cik zah n family came...but i went to the sleep after tukat baju...after dat petang gi umah pakyob sebelah...owhh yeahh...at the istana...i met with dato chandran n family...n dato gave me rm 500 sbb tlg bagi idea for their new house which was about a year ago...die lupa die cakap...its ok dato...hehe...n datin sue bg duit raya...my sisters got 50 n tah camne my packet rm 20 je..i was soo sad...but then i cam belagak..heloo i got 520..u guys dapat 50 jee...wekk..n kalame gave us 50 ...but my kakak tak dpt..yeahh...so jumlah terkumpul for first raya...570...yeaaa....second raya ...we went back to taiping to see our father...n his family...nuthing much....but bapak cakap duit raya tunggu payment die.alaaa...n only cik zan gave us duit raya..tu pon 25 je...boring2..hehe...2nd raya all together= 595..third raya andak bg duit raya...50..yeaaaa....n we sent fikah ,kalame n pakyob to ipoh...diaorg nak ke uk...fikah dapat buat masters kat sana...how nice...congrats fikah...but i always rasa she patut dah pergi since spm...but now finally die pergi study luar..good for her..:)...ok kire duit raya...rm645...n mama bagi 100,and my sis bagi 30..yeaaa...rm775...wowww....hehe..ok sebenarnye 500 tu bukan duit raya ..but who caress...hehehe..janji nampak byk...still waiting for few people to give me duit raya...n still hutang...(like my dad)...hehe...harini mama masak mee kari but shes working...for kawan2 kc n kema...n aku patut balik shah alam arini...but nak cuci kete....but hujannn laaa plakkk...haihh...sedih..nak balik ke tak nii...nak la nak laa...cepat la hujan stop...nak balik niii...kalau lagi lambat nnt lagi jamm...:(...hehe...anyways...hope all of u pon enjoy raya korang....n dapat duit raya...kalau ade lebih can send to me...hehe....muahhxx

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